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Saturday, August 2, 2008

Clarity...mental clarity, clarity of thought, clarity of vision...paramount to achiving inner peace.


“That inner voice has both gentleness and clarity. So to get to authenticity, you really keep going down to the bone, to the honesty, and the inevitability of something.”
Meredith Monk

Without being fully cognizant of one current state of being as well as the events that have brought us there, one cannot begin to heal past wounds.
It is like attempting to chart a course knowing the destination but not the starting coordinates.
It is from where that first step initiates that determines the direction of the journey. Our inner journey is no different, if we do not honestly and completely look at ourselves, our total selves, our inner selves, our outer selves, our wounds, our hurts, our disappointments, both those perpetrated by ourselves as well as by others, we cannot expect to move forward.

To achieve clarity of mind is to step back and really look inside our hearts and minds, like opening a suitcase take out each wound, and really look at it, not wallow in it, just look at it and accept it. Whether it is yours to own or not..irreverent, it is a part of you... but not the whole of you, unless of course you allow it to be.
Only from this state of clarity and acceptance can your journey truly begin.


Anonymous said...

I believe that it order to find clarity we must first take responsibility for our actions. We can change our brain chemistry by practicing positive thoughts and emotions.Our destructive emotions does just that " destroy us!
Your thoughts today are inspiring and very thoughtful. Those of us reading need to put your words into action. " We are the master of our fate!

Anonymous said...

I agree with you. Self analysis is the first step toward peace in ourselves which is then passed onto the world. It is definitely a choice!


Happy-go-Lucky said...


I really love your blog. It is a really hard thing to do - to look inside yourself and face your pain and wounds and over and above that to be absolutely honest with yourself about your feelings and hurt. I am in the process of documenting me now and my childhood which has left me slightly damaged but learning new things all the time ;-) would you check it out if you get a chance? I'd love to hear your views on it. Have a lovely day

Angeline said...

I've learn this year to allow myself to feel the pain I'm in, but not get stuck in it. Reading this blog reminded me that I'm moving in the right direction, forward.